About Pre-Built Components
The Pre-Built Components are ready to use packages, which you can work upon to achieve your integration’s goal. The LinkApi team has built a series of Components considering which ones were the most consumed and asked by the community. If you don't find the Component you want to use, consider creating a Private Component. Also, our list of Pre-Built Components are constantly growing, so you can always suggest a Component to us.
Using or Cloning a Pre-Built Component
There's two ways to use a Pre-Built Component inside LinkApi. In the Packages list, you can search for them and browse inside its configs to see if the Component has all the endpoints
Resources you need. If it doesn't, you can add new ones and make a clone of that Component to a Private one.
If the Resources listed for that Component are what you need, you just need to list that Component as a Dependency inside your Project, when your're creating or editing it.
Inside LinkApi, we segregate Pre-Built Components in categories. We've selected several useful endpoints Resources and its proper documentation, reference docs and help links from those API companies. Check the side menu on this documentation to access the proper documentation for any Component, navigating through the categories.
Updated over 5 years ago